Monday, March 19, 2012

MLM and Money

March 17, 2012 | vol. 2, issue 3

Show me the MoneyTodd Tolman - Editor
By Todd Tolman (Editor)

Starting an MLM enterprise is difficult and requires money to get started and grow. So, how much money do you need? What about credit card processing and money management?

As an MLM Software provider, we are pleased to have aligned ourselves with several industry experts with decades of experience helping new MLM enterprises to launch successfully. Professionals that have developed money management principles for new MLM companies. They can help you figure out how much money you need to get going and grow.

We pleased to provide you with three industry providers this month to help you with money.

Go here to jump to our our Website to view all articles.
How much does it cost to Start a Direct Sales Company?
This is a good question to ask, but a difficult one to answer because there isn’t a single magic number to give you. I can tell you that our clients have launched their businesses with as little as $10,000 and as much as $2,000,000. To help you to narrow the cost, here are some questions to answer:

Terrel Transtrum - LaunchsmartMoney and MLM
Money is in the forefront of the mind of business owners and executives.  We talk about money; we think about money; we worry about money.  We plan for what we’ll do when we have plenty of it, and we reveal our fears, frustrations, and resourcefulness when we don’t have enough of it.

Payment Processing Payment Tips
There is much confusion and frustration over not understanding the different fees merchants are getting charged for transactions.  Hopefully with the insight Complete Merchant Solutions has provided us on interchange, it will clear what triggers the various fees, and some steps that can be taken to reduce these fees.

In This Issue
Money and MLM


1425 S. 550 E.
Orem, UT 84097

Editor: Todd Tolman
Phone: 866.430.4422

Prodigix Software has been providing MLM software solutions to the Network Marketing industry since 2001.

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